Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Here is a list of the more common abbreviations you might see here:

AB - Abortion

AF - Aunt Flo (your period)

BC - Birth control

BCPS - Birth control pills

BD - Baby dance (sex)

BF - Boyfriend or breast-feed

BFN - Big fat negative pregnancy test

BFP - Big fat positive pregnancy test

BRB - Be right back

BTDT - Been there done that

BTW - By the way

CD - Cycle day

D&C - Dilation and curettage

D&E - Dilation and evacuation

D&X - Dilation and extraction AKA partial-birth abortion

DD - Dear daughter

DH - Dear (or darned) husband

DPO - Days post ovulation

DS - Dear son

EDD - Estimated due date, or expected date of delivery

FWIW - For what it's worth

FYI - For your information

HPT - Home pregnancy test

HTH - Hope this helps

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

JK or J/K - Just kidding

KWIM - Know what I mean

L&D - Labor and delivery

LOL - Laughing out loud :lol

MC or M/C - Miscarriage

NP - No problem

O - Ovulation

O'd - Ovulated

OMG - Oh my gosh :eek

OP - Original poster

OT - Off topic

PBA - Partial Birth Abortion

PG - Pregnant or pregnancy

PP - Previous poster

ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing :rollin

SAHM - Stay-at-home mom

TIA - Thanks in advance

TTC - Trying to conceive

US or U/S - Ultrasound